Year 21 No. 2 (2013): Issue 2/2013

I talismani di al-Maʿarrī: il prologo dell’Epistola del perdono e una divagazione in rima

Published 06/10/2013

How to Cite

Diez, M. (2013). I talismani di al-Maʿarrī: il prologo dell’Epistola del perdono e una divagazione in rima. L’Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 21(2), 275–298. Retrieved from


The article analyses and translates two passages from the Epistle of Forgiveness, a masterpiece of the poet-philosopher Abū l-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī. The rich prologue in rhymed prose, already translated into German and commented on by Gregor Schoeler, and a philological digression according to the letters of the alphabet complete the picture of the first part of the Epistle of Forgiveness, dedicated to the journey of Ibn al-Qārih into the afterworld.
The appendix contains some corrections and annotations of the translation of the Epistle published by Einaudi (Turin 2011).