Year 21 No. 1 (2013): Issue 1/2013

L’image de la Sardaigne dans les guides touristiques français et italiens

Published 02/10/2013

How to Cite

Devilla, L. (2013). L’image de la Sardaigne dans les guides touristiques français et italiens. L’Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 21(1), 57–70. Retrieved from


This article analyses the representation of Sardinia through a contrastive approach, comparing a corpus of French tourist guides and the Italian guide edited by the Touring Club. This investigation, however, does not aim at analysing stereotypical images, but it rather focuses on the processes of enunciation in which stereotypes take place. On the basis of recent studies in the field of pragmatics of tourism communication and tourism discourse analysis, adjectivation and some phenomena of linguistic and discourse stereotyping are analysed, including cliché of denomination, quoting and comparisons.