Year 31 No. 3 (2023): Issue 3/2023

Franz Kafka and the "Semikolon": The use of semicolons in "Die Verwandlung" and in some of its Italian translations

Giovanni Giri
Università degli Studi di Firenze

Published 01/16/2024


  • Franz Kafka,
  • Translation,
  • Punctuation,
  • German language,
  • Metamorphose

How to Cite

Giri, G. (2024). Franz Kafka and the "Semikolon": The use of semicolons in "Die Verwandlung" and in some of its Italian translations. L’Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 31(3). Retrieved from


The paper examines the peculiar use of the semicolon in Franz Kafka’s short story Die Verwandlung. Starting from brief considerations, which compare the punctuation practices in German and Italian with regard to this sign, a quantitative and qualitative analysis will be conducted on Kafka’s original, in an attempt to define the exact functions of the semicolon with respect to the other punctuation marks, especially the colon. Subsequently, the deformations that the semicolon’s (and colon’s) use undergoes in seven Italian versions of the classic published in the 20th and early 21st centuries will be recorded (again on a quantitative and qualitative level), in an attempt to quantify, on the one hand, the pressure exerted by divergent or changing punctuation norms and philosophies and, on the other, the more or less pronounced source-oriented approach of the single Italian translators.


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