СЛОЖНОЕПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕСВРЕМЕННЫМЗНАЧЕНИЕМВИТА- ЛЬЯНСКОМИРУССКОМЯЗЫКАХИПРОБЛЕМЫРЕЧЕВОГОУЗУСА [La proposizione temporale complessa in italiano e in russo. Problemi dell’uso parlato]
Published 06/10/2008
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The present paper aims at defining the preferred usage in constructing sentences with subordinate clauses of time in Russian and Italian. The research is based on about 400 examples from over seventy texts and their translations in both languages. The major difference between the languages lies in the grade of their explicitness, in the choice of formal means. The Italian text prefers hypotaxis with the sequence of tenses marking, with rather distinct characteristics of semantic relations within its parts supported both lexically and grammatically by time conjunctions.
In the Russian text the basic information is more often taken from the general context or lexical components of the proposition. The translation from Russian into Italian requires consecutive hierarchization of the statement: asyndetic propositions are replaced by coordinate ones, whereas coordination is replaced by hypotaxis. The translation from Italian into Russian requires the inverse process.