Year 32 No. 3 (2024): Issue 3/2024

Céline avant Céline? Guerre, Londres, Krogold : situation et statut des nouveaux manuscrits de Louis-Ferdinand Céline. Trois hypothèses.

Alberto Biscaldi
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano - Sorbonne Université

Published 12/27/2024


  • Louis-Ferdinand Céline,
  • French Literature,
  • Voyage au bout de la nuit,
  • Manuscripts,
  • Guerre

How to Cite

Biscaldi, A. (2024). Céline avant Céline? Guerre, Londres, Krogold : situation et statut des nouveaux manuscrits de Louis-Ferdinand Céline. Trois hypothèses. L’Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 32(3). Retrieved from


Guerre and Londres, the newly-found manuscripts by Louis-Ferdinand Céline published in 2022, are texts of very dubious status. The confusion about their situation is indeed great and several hypotheses exist. The first hypothesis for dating such manuscripts is the one proposed by Gallimard: the manuscripts were written after Voyage au bout de la nuit. The second hypothesis is that, due to their more precarious writing than that of Voyage, a big part of these manuscripts (Guerre in particular) was written before the 1932 masterpiece. The third hypothesis – ours – is that the very beginning of Guerre – the parts that correspond to the beginning of Voyage’s plot – is prior to Voyage, while the other sequences and the whole of Londres are posterior to it. In any case, these manuscripts show us the essence of Céline’s writing process and are therefore fundamental to better understand the formation of Céline’s aesthetic; in other words: Céline before Céline.


  1. AA.VV. 9 janvier 1933. L’intransigeant. Paris. URL :
  2. Assouline, Pierre. 28 mai 2022. « “Guerre” et la guerre, clés de Louis-Ferdinand Céline. » La République des livres. URL :
  3. Brami, Émile. 5 mai 2022. « Et si Guerre était un passage retiré de Voyage au bout de la nuit ? » L’Obs. URL :
  4. Céline, Louis-Ferdinand. Voyage au bout de la nuit. « Seul manuscrit ». Manuscrit autographe conservé à la B.N.F.
  5. Céline, Louis-Ferdinand. 2009. Devenir Céline: Lettres inédites de Louis Destouches et de quelques autres, 1912-1919. Paris : Gallimard.
  6. Céline, Louis-Ferdinand. 2022. Guerre, édition établie par P. Fouché, avant-propos de F. Gibault. Paris : Gallimard.
  7. Céline, Louis-Ferdinand. 2023. Romans 1932-1934. Paris : Gallimard, « Bibliothèque de la Pléiade ».
  8. Céline, Louis-Ferdinand. 2023. Romans 1936-1947. Paris : Gallimard, « Bibliothèque de la Pléiade ».
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