Year 32 No. 3 (2024): Issue 3/2024

Tonino Guerra's poetry in translations by Bella Akhmadulina

Published 12/27/2024


  • Tonino Guerra,
  • Bella Achmadulina,
  • Evgeniy Solonovich,
  • Roman Sef,
  • Poetic Translation

How to Cite

Garzonio, S. . (2024). Tonino Guerra’s poetry in translations by Bella Akhmadulina. L’Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 32(3). Retrieved from


This contribution aims to offer an overview of the fortune of Tonino Guerra as a poet in Russia through the analysis of existing translations of his poetic works and the reception his poetry has had in the Russian literary world and criticism. In particular, the translations of an exceptional interpreter such as Bella Akhmadulina are analyzed here, with a focus on her selection and translation approach. Other translations by Evgeniy Solonovich and Roman Sef are taken into consideration, with the aim of showing different translation approaches to the same poet.